The purpose of life?! There is no purpose. Just enjoy life ... no matter how things are. … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I’ve been walking on a wild beach.

Felt fantastic.

I felt ... in fact ... that i am free.

After 20 years of work ... i came to a point where somehow i had the financial freedom i wanted so much ... and i could take a day off to relax on the beach.

The only problem ... a very silly one in fact ... was that it took me few hours to decide to take the day off.

It was the middle of the week and i was used to work even in the week ends, so taking a day off was not in my statistical behavior.

How could i leave?!

What if something happens and someone needs me?!

It’s summer and everyone is in vacation now ... but my mind forgot about this scenario.

I was reading tens if books about success, financial freedom etc etc ... but none of them were saying what you do after you get the financial freedom.

I mean it’s easy to say that you will stay on the beach and relax, but how can you jump from the ... daily working as a slave to ... relaxation?!

How can you change the mental software after you get what you



wanted from life?

Why all those books about success don’t tell you about this huge problem?!

Was the purpose of life to achieve the financial success and then stay and relax?!

I just laugh ... when i think of this theory, cause it just does not satisfy me hearing that.

I was walking on a wild beach ... where you don’t need any money at all ... and i could do this years ago ... and actually enjoy life.

I prefered to work for 20 years, including the week ends as in the end to realize i don’t need any money at all to feel that i enjoy life.

It was a journey of 20 years ... on a pathless path and no one told me this or maybe i was too blind to see it.

Today i smile ... then i laugh ... of myself ... of how idiot i could act on the stage of my life.

But at least ... i am happy i understood the message ... you don’t need anything at all to be happy.

All you need to do is just be present and enjoy life.

Nothing more ... nothing less!

Just open your eyes ... and understand that there is no purpose ... or if there is any that is just to be one with the present moment.




Download the book ”Behind the abstract ... there is always a messagewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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