I simply want ... a beautiful life. ... but be able to enjoy it. … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

The paradox of being a human being ... is that not even the perfect case scenarios ... can't bring us ... a real happiness into our souls.

And ... i saw that at many people .... from the stage of my life.

Unfortunately ... that was also the handicap of my own soul ... too.

More ... i was analysing ... more i was understanding that i experience the best i could experience ... in all the areas of my life ... but ...

Yes ... it was this long list with ... buts...

And ... the worst is that i was actually ... like a zombie unable to feel anything.

Absolutely ... anything.

Damn it!

I was trying to convince myself ... but ... unfortunately.

So ... my handicap ... like for many, many others ... was that i didn't had this ability to connect to the moment and enjoy it.

... whatever it was.

I didn't knew it.

Or ... maybe i didn't wanted it.

And .... you know why?!

Well ... most probably ... because i didn't agreed with the Universe.

Whatever i got from it ... i was always chasing for something ... which i didn't had at that time.

Illusory inducing myself frustrations ... and a stupid sadness.

And all these things ... made me feel unhappy.

... unlucky.

Never following ... the right path of life.

But ... maybe ... i should learn to redefine little bit ... what i want.

Also ... learn the art of enjoying the present moment ... whatever that means ...

Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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